For an off-grid solar power system to work effectively in the average home, you will require the following components:
Solar panels
Solar battery bank
An inverter
Solar charge controller
Solar monitoring systems
Alternative energy source (optional)
Solar panels
Solar panels are a must for a stand-alone system. The number of panels you need will depend on your daily electricity usage and location.
Solar batteries
A solar battery is also necessary to allow your home to continue to run after the sun goes down. Throughout the day, your solar battery will charge as your panels generate excess electricity. Rather than simply losing out on all of that available solar power, a battery enables you to keep it for use at a later time. A stand-alone solar system typically needs a battery bank rather than a single unit.
Solar inverter
The solar inverter converts the direct current collected by your solar panel array into the alternating current required to run your household appliances and electronics. For an off-grid system, you will likely use a stand-alone inverter, though there are a few options when it comes to set-up.
Solar charge controller
The solar charge controller or battery charger is vital to the health of your battery. The controller regulates the voltage and current that your solar battery receives, to prevent overcharging and damage.
Solar monitoring systems
Solar monitoring systems operate through your solar system’s inverter(s). Companies will often offer solarinverters that come with a proprietary monitoringsoftware setup. … Systems with power optimizers don’t rely on a wireless connection to transmit data, somonitoring continues during internet outages.
Alternative energy sources
It may be worth considering an alternative source of energy as a back-up for your system. Back-up power sources are especially handy during the depths of winter when solar production is at its lowest. Many owners who use off-grid systems combine them with a generator that can power some of their homes’ electricity needs.